
Pictures & videos for the “Quantifying the Long Run History of Africa” conference

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Pictures & videos for the “Quantifying the Long Run History of Africa” conference

This conference recently took place in Manchester.

Interviews with the keynotes are available here.


Leigh Gardner

Hélder Carvalhal

Soeren Henn

Leonard Wantchekon

Rebecca Simson

Cal Links

Marlous van Waijenburg


Jacob Weisdorf

Guilherme Lambais

Marvin Suesse

Pablo Fernández Cebrián

Leonard Wantchekon giving a presentation about the Africa School of Economics

Steve Broadberry, Rebecca Simson, and Pablo Fernández Cebrián discussing economic growth and development in Africa

Ellen Hillbom

Zhexun Mo

Leandro de Magalhães

Gareth Austin